NEWPORT — The Vermont Department of Corrections is reporting 19 new cases of Covid-19 among incarcerated individuals and two new staff cases
MoreNEWPORT — The Vermont Department of Corrections is reporting 19 new cases of Covid-19 among incarcerated individuals and two new staff cases
MoreNEWPORT — The Vermont Department of Corrections is reporting 19 new cases of Covid-19 among incarcerated
NEWPORT — The Newport Police Department has charged a West Charleston man who allegedly assaulted two
NEWPORT – Orleans Superior Court Judge Mary Miles Teachout today ruled for the state on the
NEWPORT — Supervisory Border Patrol Agent John Marquissee from the Newport station was recently awarded the
BROWNINGTON — The next time you visit the Old Stone House Museum in person or online,
GLOVER — NASA says a bright meteor seen streaking over northern Vermont on Sunday ended after
NEWPORT – North Country Hospital recently announced that it is the recipient of a $1 million
NEWPORT — Local conservation group DUMP, Don’t Undermine Memphremagog’s Purity, recently announced a petition drive to
NEWPORT – Over the last two weekends of February, 178 winter swimmers gathered, albeit virtually, in
NEWPORT — There are 100 new cases of Covid-19 among incarcerated individuals and eight new staff
NEWPORT — The Vermont Department of Corrections is reporting 19 new cases of Covid-19 among incarcerated individuals and two new staff cases in the outbreak at Northern State Correctional Facility
NEWPORT — The Newport Police Department has charged a West Charleston man who allegedly assaulted two police officers who attempted to arrest him on an existing warrant. Daniel Martin, 25,
NEWPORT – Orleans Superior Court Judge Mary Miles Teachout today ruled for the state on the final merits of its enforcement action against HNR Desautels LLC, currently doing business as
NEWPORT — Supervisory Border Patrol Agent John Marquissee from the Newport station was recently awarded the Newton-Azrak Award for conspicuous heroism that led to the preservation of human life. The
BROWNINGTON — The next time you visit the Old Stone House Museum in person or online, you may notice something has changed. The museum recently launched a new brand, website,
GLOVER — NASA says a bright meteor seen streaking over northern Vermont on Sunday ended after burning up above Beach Hill, in Glover. The meteor flashed across the sky at
NEWPORT – North Country Hospital recently announced that it is the recipient of a $1 million grant, targeted at improving telehealth and distance learning across the community. The grant is
NEWPORT — Local conservation group DUMP, Don’t Undermine Memphremagog’s Purity, recently announced a petition drive to have Lake Memphremagog designated as a lake in crisis. The lake in crisis legislation
NEWPORT – Over the last two weekends of February, 178 winter swimmers gathered, albeit virtually, in their home state for this year’s Virtual Memphremagog Winter Swim Festival. Participants, representing 26
NEWPORT — There are 100 new cases of Covid-19 among incarcerated individuals and eight new staff cases in the outbreak at Northern State Correctional Facility in Newport. The cases were