
Jury convicts two in child sexual assault case

1 min read

BRIDGEPORT — A Superior Court jury convicted two individuals of multiple offenses related to sexual assaults on a child over a two-year period, State’s Attorney Joseph T.

Corradino announced Wednesday.

Shaylyn Smith and Zabian Bailey were found guilty on July 31, 2024, for crimes committed between Dec. 27, 2017, and Jan. 9, 2020.

Smith was convicted of accessory to sexual assault in the first degree, accessory to risk of injury to a minor, and three counts of risk of injury to a minor.

Bailey was convicted of two counts of sexual assault in the first degree, one count of attempted sexual assault in the first degree, one count of attempted risk of injury to a minor, seven counts of risk of injury to a minor, and one count of sexual assault in the fourth degree.

The jury, comprising two men and four women, deliberated for approximately one day before reaching their verdict.

The charges stemmed from the abuse of a child between the ages of 5 and 7.

The victim first disclosed the events at age 8.

Following the verdict, the court increased each defendant’s bond by $1 million.

Smith, previously free on bail, was taken into custody, while Bailey had not posted bond.

Smith faces up to 75 years in prison, and Bailey faces up to 196 years when they are sentenced by Judge Robin Pavia on Sept. 9, 2024.

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