
Time to rethink term limits | Ken Wells

1 min read
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I think that term limits in politics should be looked at more closely than they have in years. While I do believe some individuals are still effective after a long run, most are clearly not.

Incumbents dominate elections. You just get used to voting for the same name and unless that person has clearly improved the area’s level of life, new blood can be positive. Term limits would break up that monopoly. Participation is increased with more voter turnout.

 As long as new locals run for office the public gets new choices and better choices as well in many cases. And I do not mean transplants from other states that do not like where they have been and then try to change Vermont to be similar to where they came from. That  happens all the time. We have a lot more than enough of that in the Green Mountain state already.

Lets face it, career politicians have experience enriching themselves in some cases as well as their cronies. And leaders under term limits who are close to their constituents ensure a return to their home where they are subject to the laws they helped get passed, not still in office.

With term limits less corruption with lobbyists takes place and lawmakers know they have been sent to do a job and have a set amount of time to get that done.

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Instead of trying slowly over decades trying to build enough support to pass bills a sense of urgency would take place moving along the slow process of change.

Unfortunately do not count on many incumbents to make real change to the status quo. After all, it would take away the cushy environment that has been created. And the longer you have been there the less likely you will make a serious move to change the law.

 And as I’ve said before, after ten years if you have not improved the region for your fellow man and woman you probably are not very good at your job. You’ve had your chance and it’s time to move along. Ask your local Representative  today what they are most proud of during their time in office. If you don’t like the answer, refocus your allegiance when you go to the polls.

With that said, I also know there are exceptions. I witnessed one this week. After 46 years in Montpelier Senator Bobby Starr has called it a career. A very well liked man in the state house who helped both sides of the asle. The way politics should be. They don’t make them like that anymore. Best of luck in retirement sir and thank you for a job very well done.

Thanks for your time.
Ken Wells

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