
Umbrella offers advocacy training in Newport

1 min read

NEWPORT — Umbrella is offering free training for anyone who wants to learn more about intimate partner domestic or sexual violence, how children are affected by violence, and other topics related to making our community a safer one.

Starting Monday, August 28, at 5 p.m., The Advocacy Program at Umbrella in Newport will offer seven educational sessions covering a broad range of topics related to supporting survivors of domestic and sexual violence.

The sessions will run through September 7.

Each workshop can be taken as individual modules or people can take all seven as a whole unit to attain crisis worker certification.

Some of the topics that will be covered are an introduction to Umbrella and domestic violence, sexual violence, drug-facilitated sexual assault, children who witness violence, sex and violence in today’s “pornified” culture, child sexual abuse education and prevention, in her shoes and walking the walk, and protection orders and pulling it all together.

Sessions will last three hours and will take place at The Advocacy Program’s Newport office at 95 East Main Street from 5 to 8 p.m. Any potential hotline workers, interns, and volunteers must attend all seven sessions to receive their crisis worker certification.

This certification is necessary to protect the confidentiality and privilege of those seeking Advocacy Program services.

The full schedule of training opportunities can be found on the organization’s website at www.umbrellanek.org.

To RSVP for the advocacy training, call Roxie at 334-0148.

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