DUMMERSTON — Two men were arrested Friday night after deputies found them in possession of cocaine and fentanyl at a local business, authorities said.
Terry A. Parson, 41, of Putney, was charged with four counts of violation of conditions of release and possession of cocaine less than 2.5 grams.
Robert P. Brown, 37, of Brattleboro, was charged with possession of a depressant/stimulant/narcotic drug-fentanyl and possession of cocaine less than 2.5 grams.
Deputies with the Windham County Sheriff’s Office located Parson in a vehicle parked at a business on U.S. Route 5 at approximately 9:50 p.m.
The vehicle had been observed in Putney shortly before, according to the sheriff’s office.
Parson was found to be in possession of cocaine when he was taken into custody for violating his court-ordered curfew.
Officials said Parson further violated other sets of conditions for possessing the presumptive cocaine and engaging in criminal behavior.
Brown, who was also in the vehicle, was found to be in possession of suspected cocaine and suspected fentanyl.
Both men were arrested and transported to the Windham County Sheriff’s Office for processing.
Parson was ordered held on $1,000 cash or surety bond with conditions and issued a criminal citation to appear in court on March 24 at 12:30 p.m.
Brown was released on a criminal citation to appear on April 29.
Parson was later held at the Southern State Correctional Facility.