SALEM — A Lawrence man was arrested Monday for allegedly selling marijuana and vaping products to a juvenile, according to Salem police.
Angel Brito, 46, was taken into custody at approximately 3 p.m. following a motor vehicle stop as part of a directed enforcement operation.
The investigation began when Salem police received information that Brito was selling marijuana and assorted vape products to a minor.
Detectives from the Salem Police Department worked in conjunction with the Community and Problem Oriented Policing unit to conduct the operation.
Police said Brito arrived in Salem on March 10 with the intention of selling marijuana and vaping products to his repeat juvenile customer.
During the arrest, officers discovered marijuana and a large quantity of vaping products in Brito’s possession.
Brito faces multiple charges including driving after revocation/suspension with a DUI, two counts of endangering the welfare of a child, two counts of contributing to the delinquency of a minor, and one felony count of controlled drug sale.
Following his arrest, Brito was released on personal recognizance bail.
He is scheduled to appear before the Salem District Court on April 21.