Derby land purchase expands Johns River conservation area - Newport Dispatch

Derby land purchase expands Johns River conservation area

1 min read

DERBY — The Memphremagog Watershed Association has completed its fourth conservation acquisition along the Johns River, protecting 6.7 acres of prime trout habitat and expanding public access for outdoor recreation.

The newly conserved property, located near the river’s headwaters, includes the confluence of two cold-water tributaries valuable for Brook and Rainbow Trout spawning. The area features dense riparian forest, cold groundwater seeps, and natural fish habitats.

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The land, which connects to the Derby Fish & Game Club Kid’s Pond and town property, will be managed by Vermont Fish & Wildlife’s Fisheries Division. The site will remain open for public hunting, fishing, trapping, and wildlife viewing.

MWA plans to seek funding to remove a breached millpond dam and replace a failing culvert to improve fish passage and flood resilience.

MWA acted as the landowner liaison through this process, which spanned several years and required coordination with multiple agencies and partners. The project received funding through the Great Lakes Fisheries Commission, with grants administered by Vermont Fish & Wildlife and the Vermont Housing & Conservation Board.

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