Community National Bank wins Gold Award for worksite wellness - Newport Dispatch

Community National Bank wins Gold Award for worksite wellness

1 min read

DERBY — Community National Bank has received a Gold Award for workplace wellness from the Vermont Governor’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports, scoring 87.8% on the annual assessment.

The bank’s nine-member Wellness Committee was honored at a World Mental Health Day conference in Burlington, which gathered representatives from 129 Vermont businesses with worksite wellness programs.

“Community National Bank has an outstanding Wellness Committee. Every member puts in time, enthusiasm, and creativity into developing initiatives for our employees that provide opportunities to learn and promote good health,” said Melissa Tinker, Human Resources Coordinator.

The bank’s wellness initiatives include step challenges, depression awareness, and music therapy programs. Among this year’s honorees, 81 organizations received Gold awards, 40 earned Silver, and eight achieved Bronze status.

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