Derby land acquisition expands Johns River public access - Newport Dispatch

Derby land acquisition expands Johns River public access

1 min read

DERBY — The Memphremagog Watershed Association has acquired 1.8 acres of riverfront property in Beebe Plain, expanding public access to the Johns River streambank management area.

Paul and Candace Patenaude sold their undeveloped parcel after nearly 20 years of ownership, approaching MWA when they learned of conservation efforts on neighboring land. The property, previously used for hay and pasture, will provide parking access and views of the Johns River floodplain.

The Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department (VFWD) will lease portions of the upland meadows to a local farmer for cattle grazing, maintaining the area’s agricultural character.

MWA says this acquisition is the culmination of three years of work on the Johns River to identify, develop, and implement water quality and fish habitat improvement projects.

The project, funded through the Great Lakes Fisheries Commission and Vermont Housing & Conservation Board, involved multiple agencies and professional services.

MWA plans to develop a daytime-use parking area and informational kiosk.

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