Man wanted for attempted murder caught in Newport - Newport Dispatch
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NEWPORT — Vermont State Police and Newport police officers arrested Jason Willey, 40, on Saturday at approximately 1 p.m. at a residence on Farrar Road.

Willey, who has no fixed address, was wanted on six arrest warrants and faced new charges from both agencies. The charges include attempted murder, aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, operating without consent, driving with a suspended license, and eluding police.

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Authorities said Willey had been evading arrest for several weeks following incidents in Newport City on July 23 and an encounter with state troopers on Aug. 2.

When law enforcement arrived at the Farrar Road residence, Willey attempted to flee on foot but was quickly apprehended. He briefly resisted arrest before being taken into custody.

Willey was lodged at Northern State Correctional Facility.

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His charges include:

  1. Arrest on warrants:
  • Retail Theft ($200 bail)
  • Excessive Speed/Grossly Negligent Operation ($200)
  • Excessive Speed ($500)
  • Obstructing Justice/Hindering Arrest/Assault on LEO ($500)
  • Violating a Condition of Release (Cite and release)
  • Violating a Condition of Release (2), Negligent Operation, Op w/Suspended License (DLS) ($500)
  1. New Charges (VSP):
  • Operating without Consent of Owner (OOC)
  • Aggravated OOC
  • DLS
  • Negligent Operation
  • Eluding a Police Officer
  • Resisting Arrest
  1. Arrested for Newport Police Department:
  • Attempted Murder
  • Aggravated Assault/Deadly Weapon

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