Man faces attempted murder charges after trooper shooting in Burke - Newport Dispatch
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Man faces attempted murder charges after trooper shooting in Burke

1 min read

BURKE — Brenden Sackal, 30, of Hopkinton, Rhode Island, has been returned to Vermont to face charges including attempted aggravated murder for allegedly shooting at multiple Vermont State Police troopers last month in Burke.

Sackal, who was discharged earlier this week from Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center in Lebanon, New Hampshire, was arrested by New Hampshire State Police on a Vermont warrant. After waiving extradition in Grafton County District Court, he was transported to Vermont for processing and jailed without bail at the Southern State Correctional Facility in Springfield.

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His arraignment is scheduled for 11 a.m. Thursday, August 8, in the Criminal Division of Vermont Superior Court in St. Johnsbury, expected to be conducted by video.

The July 14 incident involved Sgt. Joshua Mikkola and Trooper Richard Berlandy of the Derby Barracks firing their department-issued weapons. Both remain on administrative duty pending independent reviews of their use of force by the Vermont Attorney General’s Office and the relevant State’s Attorney’s Office.

The Vermont State Police continues to investigate the incident, with assistance from the New Hampshire State Police, the Grafton County Attorney’s Office, and Dartmouth-Hitchcock staff.

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