
Ultra runner rescued after activating SOS in White Mountain National Forest

1 min read

ALBANY — New Hampshire Fish and Game Conservation Officers responded to an emergency call from a participant in the Jigger Johnson Ultra, a 108-mile foot race in the White Mountain National Forest, after the runner activated his distress signal due to a medical condition.

Joseph Cloidt of Armonk, NY, who began the race at 5 a.m. on July 19, triggered his Garmin inReach SOS feature at approximately 6:30 p.m. the same day.

Communication delays and lack of cell phone coverage in the area prevented Fish and Game from receiving the notification until 7:41 p.m.

Despite Conservation Officers’ swift response to Cloidt’s last known location on the Rob Brook Trail, they were unable to locate him immediately.

Cloidt eventually turned up at the race’s Command Site at 10:05 p.m., having been assisted by fellow race participants.

They found him on the trail, helped him into a vehicle on Route 112 in Albany, and transported him back to his vehicle at Waterville Valley.

Cloidt reported suffering from severe cramps that left him immobile for about three hours.

His condition upon arrival at the Command Site did not require further medical attention.

The incident serves as a reminder from New Hampshire Fish and Game for hikers and outdoor enthusiasts to prepare for wilderness adventures adequately.

Officials recommend carrying the ten essential items: a map, compass, warm clothing, extra food and water, headlamp, fire starter, first aid kit, whistle, rain/wind jackets and pants, and a knife.

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