
Westminster police report rash of package thefts, suspects in fake Amazon vests

1 min read

WESTMINSTER — In a string of audacious thefts, the Westminster Police Department is investigating multiple incidents where high-value packages delivered by FedEx and Amazon were stolen from residents’ doorsteps shortly after delivery.

According to police reports, the thefts follow a similar pattern: packages are delivered, and within minutes, individuals are observed approaching homes with a box or bag in hand.

These suspects have been seen either taking the delivered packages or swapping them with empty boxes.

Notably, the suspects have been wearing counterfeit Amazon vests, likely as a ploy to appear as legitimate delivery personnel.

The Westminster Police Department is urging the community to remain vigilant and report any suspicious persons or vehicles, including the make, model, and license plate numbers, observed in their neighborhoods.

Residents expecting high-value items are advised to arrange for direct exchanges upon delivery or to schedule deliveries for times when they are home to prevent potential theft.

Anyone with information about these crimes or who notices suspicious activity is encouraged to contact the Westminster Police Department immediately.

The department is committed to apprehending those responsible and is seeking the community’s assistance in these efforts.

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