
Irasburg contemplates grant-funded Park and Ride

1 min read

IRASBURG –– During a recent select board meeting in Irasburg, residents expressed concerns about a proposed Park and Ride project around the town green.

The meeting, led by select board chair David Lahar and road foreman Trevor Cleveland, addressed the potential establishment of parking spaces along two sides of the green, funded by a grant of up to $150,000.

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The grant, aimed at creating Park and Ride areas, would help fund parking along Park Avenue and Creek Road. The project, estimated to cost over $300,000, raised questions among locals about the impact on the town’s natural greenspace, including the fate of nearby trees and potential increases in traffic and loitering.

Lahar and Cleveland clarified their intention to enhance existing gravel parking areas with curbing and pavement, rather than creating new spaces. They assured that signage would be the only addition to mark the area as a Park and Ride.

Research from Cleveland suggested that information from the Glover Town Clerks office showed that a similar project did not result in increased traffic. Cleveland, who applied for the grant, expressed uncertainty about Irasburg’s chances of approval but committed to updating the board on the outcome.

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