CNB’s Employee Appreciation event results in donation to DCF Family Services - Newport Dispatch

CNB’s Employee Appreciation event results in donation to DCF Family Services

1 min read
(L to R) DCF Family Services Supervisor Jessica Brown, CNB Electronic Banking Supervisor Cassandra Griffin, DCF Resource Coordinator Tammy Lalime and CNB Marketing Assistant Kayla Wright.

DERBY –– Each year at Community National Bank’s Annual Employee Appreciation Dinner, monetary donations are collected for the benefit of a community organization. This year the money was designated for Department of Children and Families (DCF) Family Services Division. Employees donated a total of $712.00, and with the bank’s match, DCF received a check in the amount of $1,424.00 to be distributed throughout all of Community National Bank (CNB) service areas. Some of CNB’s employees fill important roles for DCF Family Services Division, and the bank says they’re happy to support our colleagues and our communities.

DCF’s mission is to foster the healthy development, safety, well-being and self-sufficiency of Vermonters. For the Family Services Division this means partnering with families and communities to protect children and strengthen families. Every year, the Family Services Division of DCF works with about 3,000 of Vermont’s vulnerable children and families; about 1,400 are children in DCF custody. These families are struggling, and they need help to keep their children safe.

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There are many ways to help children in DCF custody, become a foster parent, provide respite care, or become an adoptive parent. If you only have a limited amount of time or resources but would still like to help you could provide transportation, donate gift cards or much-needed items, donate services like haircuts or pay for senior photos, donate passes for the movies or a local attraction, support teens as a mentor as they get ready to leave the foster care system to live on their own.

For more information about how to help a child in DCF custody visit for a complete listing of DCF Family Services Divisions, areas they serve and their contact information.

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