Montreal woman charged after motorcycle stop in Morgan - Newport Dispatch

Montreal woman charged after motorcycle stop in Morgan

1 min read

MORGAN — A 53-year-old woman from Montreal was cited following an incident in Morgan on Saturday.

Police say they observed a group of approximately 15-20 sport-style motorcycles traveling in a dangerous manner on Vermont 111, operating at high rates of speed, crowding, tailgating, and unsafely passing vehicles, creating a substantial public safety hazard.

Ultimately, the trooper was able to catch up to and effect a stop of one of the vehicles, which had been observed tailgating, unsafely passing, and traveling at speeds between 70-80 miles-per-hour in the posted 35 miles-per-hour zone near the Morgan Country Store.

The remainder of the vehicles continued traveling east on Vermont 111.

Police say these vehicles were not pursued and there were no other law enforcement units in the area.

The driver of the stopped vehicle was identified as Marie Voyer, 53, of Montreal, QC.

She was issued a criminal citation to appear in court on November 14 and released from the scene.

Shortly thereafter, the aforementioned vehicles were observed again traveling in a similar manner, however there was no law enforcement in that area at the time.

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