Backing Linda Joy Sullivan | Charlie Pronto - Newport Dispatch
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Backing Linda Joy Sullivan | Charlie Pronto

1 min read

This letter was submitted by Charlie Pronto, former mayor of Newport City

Dear Voters /Residents of Newport City,

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I am writing this to extend my support and endorsement to Linda Joy Sullivan for Mayor of Newport City. Linda has the experience, the knowledge, the connections and the temperament to lead Newport forward.

She is extremely qualified as a Certified Public Accountant (CPA), has a Masters in Business Administration (MBA) and has a Masters of Law -Taxation (LLM). Currently she is Gov. Scott’s appointed Commissioner of Vermont State Housing Authority and has a CPA office on Main Street in Newport.

I have met with Linda for several hours over the past few weeks. She has a firm grasp on the issues currently facing the City. We are all aware that the discourse at city meetings has been an issue. Linda firmly believes she can change the communication by being transparent, reach across the room and foster collaboration and accountability. The communication between the council and meeting attendees has deteriorated over the past few years. Linda understands and feels confident she can correct that. I also believe she has the right disposition and personality to accomplish this.

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As a CPA and an MBA she certainly can be helpful with budget and operations to assist the Interim City manager as well as help choose a New City Manager. We all know how important both these issues are currently for Newport.

She served in the Vermont legislature for 6 years. That experience provides the knowledge of running meetings, working collaboratively and getting results. Exactly what our city needs.

As a court appointed receiver for Koffee Kup, Linda understands how the process works to market property like the EB5 hole left on Main St. She has connections that can help Newport actually resolve the empty Main St property. Furthermore, Gov Scott has only praise for and confidence in Linda.

I believe Newport is fortunate to have someone with Linda’s qualifications running for the mayoral position. I have no doubt that Linda will not only be a breath of fresh air but also a huge asset for Newport City. Please get out and vote for Linda August 1st.

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