Man connected to Derby coin theft arrested for 3rd time - Newport Dispatch

Man connected to Derby coin theft arrested for 3rd time

1 min read

DERBY — A 27-year-old man from Charleston who has several previous arrests was picked up again, this time in Derby.

Authorities say they were notified of a condition of release violation that had occurred in the Walmart parking lot in Derby at around 4:55 p.m. yesterday.

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Police say that Dustin Sheltra had violated his 24-hour curfew during the incident.

Sheltra was arrested for a burglary that took place in Derby back in April, were $34,000 worth of rare coins were stolen.

He was arrested days later in Lyndon for possession of crack cocaine.

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Sheltra was brought to the State Police barracks in Derby for processing.

He was lodged at Norther State Correctional Facility.

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