Man arrested for threatening Rutland Regional Medical Center, sending obscene emails - Newport Dispatch

Man arrested for threatening Rutland Regional Medical Center, sending obscene emails

1 min read

RUTLAND — A 46-year-old man from Sudbury was arrested following an incident in Rutland on Thursday.

Authorities say they were notified by the General Counsel of the Rutland Regional Medical Center that their staff was receiving an abundance of unwanted and threatening emails and voice mails from Jay G. Cooke.

Approximately 12 emails were sent by Cooke and received by RRMC staff within a 13-hour window on Wednesday.

Police say the content of these emails was obscene, lewd, lascivious, and indecent.

It appeared that Cooke maliciously threatened to accuse another of a crime with intent to extort money from the RRMC.

He was transported to the Vermont Superior Court to be arraigned on the charges of extortion, disorderly conduct, disturbing the peace by use of telephone or other electronic communications, and criminal threatening.

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