Structure fire in Lyme - Newport Dispatch

Structure fire in Lyme

1 min read

LYME — Police are investigating a structure fire that broke out in Lyme, New Hampshire on Saturday.

The fire took place on Culver Hill Lane at around 2:45 p.m.

Lyme Fire along with Hanover and Orford, responded to the scene arriving at or shortly after 3:00 p.m.

Police say they found a fully involved attached garage fire with extension into the breezeway connecting to the house and requested a second alarm.

Aggressive interior and exterior attacks were conducted, and the fire was stopped at the breezeway connection to the home.

Police say an additional alarm was requested for water supply and the fire was brought under control at 4:05 p.m.

The house experienced significant damage to the garage and breezeway, but the main living space remains intact with smoke, heat and minor water damage.

The single occupant at the home at the time of the fire had recently started a generator as most properties at that time in the community were without power and had been for an extended time.

Police say the occupant was alerted to the fire by the smell of smoke and found a rapidly growing fire near the generator inside the garage, called 911 and safely exited the home.

Police say no injuries to occupants or fire fighters have been reported at this time.

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