DUI checkpoints set this week in Orange County - Newport Dispatch

DUI checkpoints set this week in Orange County

1 min read

CHELSEA — The Orange County Sheriff’s Office will be conducting sobriety checkpoints throughout the area.

They will start today, and run through January 1, 2023.

Police say the checkpoints serve several purposes, including identifying impaired drivers and removing them from the road.

The checkpoints also deter impaired individuals from attempting to drive after consuming alcohol or other drugs.

“With just a few officers, a bit of publicity, and no inconvenience for motorists, regularly scheduled sobriety checkpoints have been shown to reduce the number of crashes and ultimately, the number of tragedies, largely through deterrence,” the Sheriff’s Office said in a statement.

High visibility enforcement is also effective, police say.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration says that when the perceived risk of getting caught goes up, the likelihood that people will make the fatal decision to drink and drive decreases.

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