Local musician Kyle Chadburn records new album - Newport Dispatch

Local musician Kyle Chadburn records new album

1 min read

COVENTRY — Local musician Kyle Chadburn just released a new EP with his backing band, The Earthbound Spirits.

The EP is titled “No Direction (Volume 1).”

Chadburn has been performing music in Vermont for the past twenty years. He is a member of the popular NEK-based band The Evansville Transit Authority.

ETA released an album of songs, mostly written by Chadburn, in 2014.

He decided to record an album of solo material for the first time in 2017, titled “Faded Colors in Darkened Skies.”

The Faded Colors album was released as a solo project, but Chadburn says this time around he’s including the band’s name in the release.

“The songs were written solely by me, but the arrangements were very much a collaborative effort,” Chadburn said.

The musicians involved in No Direction are:

  • Kyle Chadburn – acoustic guitar, electric guitar, lead/harmony vocals
  • Travis Leblanc – drums, harmony vocals, lead vocals on “Find My Way”
  • Chris Doncaster – bass
  • Rudy Dauth – electric guitar, baritone guitar, resonator guitar, mandolin
  • Colin McCaffrey – fiddle, electric guitar, harmony vocals

The EP was engineered by McCaffrey at his Green Room studio in East Montpelier.

He shares production credits with Chadburn.

The songs on the EP generally share a rootsy feel overall, but they also offer a range of stylistic influences from more straight-ahead Country-Rock (“Look What You’ve Done,” “Left to Drown”) to more folk and bluegrass-oriented songs (“Find My Way,” “A Lesson in Brevity”).

The release even includes a spaghetti western meets surf rock instrumental at the end (“Last Call”).

For now, the EP is https://kylechadburnmusic.bandcamp.com/album/no-direction-vol-1

It will be released on streaming services Spotify, Apple, Amazon, and more by the end of next week.

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