3 arrested in Windham County drug bust - Newport Dispatch

3 arrested in Windham County drug bust

1 min read

WESTMINSTER — Three people were arrested as part of an ongoing investigation in Windham County, police say.

Troopers from the Vermont State Police conducted a traffic stop on I-91 south, at around 3:15 p.m. as part of an ongoing criminal investigation.

Police say the stop resulted in the roadside arrest of three of the four vehicle occupants.

Brittany Lafleche, 32, of Springfield, Massachusetts, was charged with possession of a depressant/stimulant/narcotic drug.

Matthew Ponce, 27, of Springfield, Massachusetts, was charged with possession of cocaine.

Sheldon Torres, 28, of Springfield, Massachusetts, was arrested and charged with possession of a depressant/stimulant/ narcotic drug and possession of cocaine.

Torres also had a federal warrant for his arrest for the distribution of controlled substances.

All three were ordered to appear on May 3, to answer the charges.

Torres was lodged at the Southern State Correctional Facility, Springfield, on a federal arrest warrant.

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