Gifford joins Randolph company’s Ukraine relief effort - Newport Dispatch

Gifford joins Randolph company’s Ukraine relief effort

1 min read

RANDOLPH — Gifford is contributing to the humanitarian effort in war-torn Ukraine by donating medical supplies such as band-aids, IV bags, gauze, rubber gloves, gowns and catheter IVs.

The effort started after Ryan Langlois, an associate division manager at Applied Research Associates in Randolph, reached out to neighboring Gifford.

Applied Research Associates is a globally recognized scientific research and engineering company with more than 1,500 employee-owners nationwide.

In partnership with international logistics provider Meest, Applied Research Associates is sending humanitarian supplies to Ukraine.

“It’s devastating right now to see what the people of Ukraine are going through and we immediately wanted to figure out a way we could support the humanitarian efforts,” Gifford V.P. of Development and Public Relations, Ashley Lincoln said.

Gifford plans to continue supporting this effort as the needs arise, working in collaboration with Applied Research Associates.

Community members are encouraged to donate needed supplies by contacting Ryan Langlois.

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