Police: Jeffersonville man charged after throwing object at another vehicle, causing crash - Newport Dispatch

Police: Jeffersonville man charged after throwing object at another vehicle, causing crash

1 min read

CAMBRIDGE — A 30-year-old man from Jeffersonville was cited for unlawful mischief and DLS following a crash in Cambridge yesterday.

The two-vehicle crash took place on Route 15 at around 3:05 p.m.

According to the report, Dennis Langford was driving erratically and overtook a vehicle that was traveling below the speed limit due to poor road conditions.

Langford then threw an object at the vehicle he overtook, which was driven by Michelle Bush, 43, of Georgia.

The object hit Bush’s vehicle on the windshield, causing it to crack.

While Bush was on the phone with 911 to report the vandalism, she was trying to get close enough to Langford’s vehicle to relay the license plate.

Langford then slammed on his brakes, causing a crash.

Police say Langford was operating his vehicle while his driver’s license was criminally suspended.

He was transported to Copley for minor injuries and was issued a citation ordering him to appear in court at a later date.

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