Police: 2 men arrested in Derby - Newport Dispatch

Police: 2 men arrested in Derby

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DERBY — Two men were arrested following an incident in Derby last week.

Authorities say on December 8 they were notified of a suspicious man in the Derby Price Chopper parking lot.

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Police say they responded to the scene and found a man matching the description driving a sedan.

Police initiated a traffic stop and identified the driver of the vehicle as Robert Ingram, 37, of Island Pond, and the passenger as Alex Becker, 33.

Ingram’s license was criminally suspended and Becker was found to have two active in-state arrest warrants.

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Police say they located drug paraphernalia and a pill bottle with a small amount of white powdery substance on Ingram.

The white powdery substance later field-tested positive for cocaine, police say.

Police say Ingram was processed for the charges of operating after suspension or revocation of license and possession of cocaine.

He was released on a citation to appear in court.

Police say the white powdery substance has been sent to the lab for further confirmation.

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