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Agency of Natural Resources wants a do-over by Don Peterson

1 min read

The idea that Vermont would use Lake Memphremagog as a sewer for landfill effluent, “treated” or otherwise, shows just how little our government thinks of us and our neighbors.

The warm fuzzy blanket of meetings, studies, permit applications, and public meetings regarding the discharging of leachate into the lake only demonstrates to anyone watching that the only solution the state can think of for disposing of trash is still to dump it in the nearest wetland.

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Our neighbors to the north (and an important source of tourist dollars) will likely take their money to some other location where the water seems cleaner.  

Downstream in Sherbrooke, the water they drink will remind them that Memphremagog is not a lake, but the solution to a difficult problem for the Agency of Natural Resources. 

As people in this business like to say to each other, but never out loud: “The solution of pollution is dilution!” 

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I thought those days were behind us, but I guess I was wrong.

People interested in clean water and opposed to small fish who grow tumors all over their bodies should attend the hearing on October 26, 2021, from 5:30 – 7:30 PM at the Newport Gateway Center, 84 Fyfe Drive Newport Vermont. 

The purpose of the hearing is for the Agency of Natural Resources to present to the public New England Waste Systems plans for changes to the current moratorium on emitting treated leachate directly into Memphremagog through the Newport Waste Water Treatment Facility.  

Don Peterson, Lowell.

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