Two Vermont corrections staff in Newport test positive for COVID-19 - Newport Dispatch

Two Vermont corrections staff in Newport test positive for COVID-19

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NEWPORT — Two staff members at Northern State Correctional Facility in Newport tested positive for COVID-19 in independent tests conducted on August 18 and August 21.

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The first staff member was last in the facility on August 17 and tested positive on August 18.

One staff identified as being within close contact was identified, and that individual is quarantined.

The second staff member was last in the facility on August 21 and tested positive through a rapid test the same day.

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Eight staff close contacts were identified. The Department of Corrections says five are now out on quarantine.

Contact tracing was initiated twice upon receipt of the positive results.

The facility was also placed on full lockdown both times and has returned to modified operations due to contact tracing showing zero close contacts in the incarcerated population.

All NSCF staff not quarantined will be tested today, the DOC says.

Incarcerated individuals were last tested on August 18, and all results were returned negative.

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