Newport prison declared free of Covid-19 - Newport Dispatch

Newport prison declared free of Covid-19

1 min read

NEWPORT — The Vermont Department of Corrections says that the Northern State Correctional Facility in Newport is clear of COVID outbreak response and is back to standard modified operations.

This full status change is the result of testing conducted Thursday, April 15, in which no incarcerated individuals tested positive for the fifth consecutive time.

There are currently zero positive incarcerated cases and three positive staff cases at the facility.

One of the positive staff cases was detected in the April 15 testing, and the DOC says contact tracing showed no exposure risk to the incarcerated population.

“We are thankful the Vermont Department of Health has cleared us from all outbreak protocols,” said Commissioner Jim Baker. “Our team on the ground at NSCF, under the leadership of Superintendent Scott Martin, our medical staff, and our Rapid Response Team have worked tirelessly since February to get this outbreak under control.”

The outbreak began after one staff member and 21 incarcerated individuals tested positive for the virus in testing conducted on February 23, 2021.

A total of 179 incarcerated individuals tested positive during the outbreak.

As of Tuesday, a total of three staff and one incarcerated individual statewide are positive for the virus.

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