Fire destroys Derby Tire and Service Center - Newport Dispatch

Fire destroys Derby Tire and Service Center

1 min read

DERBY — A fire destroyed the Derby Tire and Service Center on Shattuck Hill Road in Derby yesterday.

The fire broke out at around 10:15 p.m. and both the Derby Line Fire Department and Newport Fire Department were on scene.

Firefighters say they found the building completely engulfed in flames, and were hampered by the low temperatures and winds that persisted in the area overnight.

Fire investigators were able to determine the fire began in the southwest area of the garage and spread to other areas of the building.

Investigators say the cause of the fire is still under investigation but does not appear to be the result of direct human involvement.

The building was a total loss with a preliminary damage estimate of approximately $1,500,000.

There were no injuries reported.

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