Police: ATV rider intentionally damaged driveway in Coventry - Newport Dispatch

Police: ATV rider intentionally damaged driveway in Coventry

1 min read

COVENTRY — Police say they are still investigating a vandalism that took place last Friday in Coventry.

Janine Lamarche notified police that someone had vandalized her paved driveway on Coventry Heights Road.

The incident took place sometime between 3:00 p.m and 7:45 p.m.

According to the report, the damage appears to have been caused by an ATV type vehicle, which “spun up” two very deep ruts, sending tar all over the area.

The damage appears to have been purposefully done, Cpl. Amy LeClair with the Vermont State Police said in a statement.

Anyone with any information regarding this incident is being asked to contact police at 802-334-8881.

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