Erosion control project in Coventry sabotaged for 4th time - Newport Dispatch

Erosion control project in Coventry sabotaged for 4th time

1 min read

COVENTRY — Police are investigating after an erosion control project in Coventry was sabotaged for the fourth time.

Last Friday a crew completed the project to the north side of Vermont 14 at the intersection of Spencer Hill Road.

Work included installing a shallow drainage ditch, seeding the area with grass seed, and placing grass seed matting and hay to hold the fresh grass seed in place.

The work was completed to mitigate soil erosion and runoff of dirt and gravel from the steep embankment off the north side of the road into the highway and intersection.

This is the fourth time the project has been completed at a taxpayer cost of over $2,500 per project.

Each time this project is completed, police say someone fills in the new ditching with dirt and rakes away the new grass seed, destroying the erosion control methods.

Police say it happened again on May 15, after the crew had completed the erosion control project at the site.

Someone used rakes and shovels to fill in the newly installed erosion control ditch and rake away the newly applied grass seed, grass seed matting, and hay.

“These erosion control projects are vital to mitigating soil erosion and keeping dirt and gravel off the highway surfaces that creates a public safety issue for passing motor vehicles and especially motorcycles,” a statement issued by the Orleans County Sherriff’s Department said.

Anyone who may have seen or is able to identify those who are responsible is asked to call the Orleans County Sheriff’s Department at 802-334-3333.

1 Comment

  1. Why werent game cameras or something installed after the first time.. four times now, at thousands of dollars? Seriously?

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