Police looking for Coventry man - Newport Dispatch

Police looking for Coventry man

1 min read

COVENTRY — Police say they arrested a Coventry woman on several active arrest warrants, and are still looking for a 26-year-old man following an incident on Thursday.

At around 4:40 p.m. a Sheriff’s Department deputy attempted to conduct a motor vehicle stop on Coventry Street in Newport, after identifying the operator as Tharen Amidon.

Police say Amidon has active arrest warrants.

According to the report, Amidon failed to stop and a pursuit ensued.

The pursuit ended in Coventry, where all occupants of the vehicle bailed out on foot into the woods.

Newport Police Officer Lillis and his partner K-9 Ozzy conducted a track from the vehicle which led to the discovery of Beatrice Amidon, 46, of Coventry.

She was arrested and lodged on several Vermont warrants and a New Hampshire no-bail warrant.

Police say efforts to locate Tharen Amidon were unsuccessful.

The Sherriff’s Department is asking anyone who has knowledge of Tharen’s whereabouts, to contact law enforcement.

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