Police looking for suspect after Dollar General in North Troy broken into - Newport Dispatch

Police looking for suspect after Dollar General in North Troy broken into

1 min read

NORTH TROY — Police responded to an alarm at the Dollar General in North Troy early this morning.

The call came in at around 1:00 a.m.

When they arrived at the location on East Main Street, police say they discovered that the store had been forcefully entered and items inside were scattered around.

The store was cleared by troopers.

Video surveillance footage indicated a single male, wearing a red jacket, gloves, and a face covering, forcefully entered the store, placed items in a bag, and left the store through the same place he entered.

A state police canine was used in an attempt to track the suspect but he was not located.

Anyone with information about this incident is being asked to contact State police at 334-8881.

1 Comment

  1. Probably someone acting in dreaded anticipation of President Trumps trade tariffs on Chinese dollar store trash….Nevertheless, ya have to laugh at cow town headline news of a Dollar store heist…Almost as suspenseful and titillating as watching and waiting for when the Vanilla Ice cut out on Lake Memphremagog would sink through the ice this year…I’m still trying to calm down from that event.

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