Celebrate the Arts in March at First Universalist Parish of Derby Line - Newport Dispatch

Celebrate the Arts in March at First Universalist Parish of Derby Line

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DERBY LINE — First Universalist Parish of Derby Line’s March line up of speakers and events focus on celebrating what the arts bring to the human experience.

Each Sunday service begins at 10:00 a.m.

On Sunday, March 3, Andrew Bouchard, the producer/promoter of Borderline Entertainment will explore the importance DIY music has on creating community, supporting people in finding meaning and direction in life, and at times inciting the next musical revolution.

On Friday, March 8, at 6:00 p.m., the film Reinventing Power will be shown in the Fellowship Hall.

The film takes viewers across the country to hear directly from the people making our clean energy future achievable.

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The Sierra Club and Lt. Gov. Mark Zuckerman will be in attendance to facilitate the discussion and answer questions following the 50-minute film.

Dinner will begin at 6:00 p.m.

On Sunday, March 10, service will be a celebration of the artists within the community, whether that is writing, song, poetry, baking, pottery, photography, or carving.

Many different artists will share their work and inspirations in a gallery setting.

Sunday, March 17, guest speaker Ceilidh Galloway-Kane from WonderArts in Greensboro, will speak about how WonderArts works to provide access to arts and culture and how these enable community members to connect, reflect, inspire, and thrive.

Finally, on Sunday, March 24, there will be two special events.

First, at 10:00 a.m. there will be a children’s service.

This service will have the youngest members of First Universalist Parish taking the lead in song, story, movement, crafts, and cooking.

Second, on the 24, at 4:00 p.m., Mark Violette will be showcasing some of his music intertwined with his musical musings as a pianist.

This concert is open to the public and admission is by donation.

Donations are going to support the ongoing efforts of concerts in the NEK as well as support the introduction of a new concert worthy piano in the hall.

Everyone is invited to come join in the dialogue, soak up high-quality music, and celebrate the arts all month long.

Programming for youth occurs during each Sunday service.

For more information, visit www.derbylineuu.org.

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