
Truck through the ice on Willoughby

1 min read
Photo from Facebook by Danielle Lucas.

WESTMORE — A truck partially went through the ice on Willoughby this afternoon.

At around 3:00 p.m. Orleans Ambulance and Westmore Fire Department responded to the scene. All occupants of the truck were out and safe by the time they arrived.

The truck was approximately 50 feet from the Willoughby fishing access, partially submerged.

The driver was identified as Travis Cady, 30, of Wheelock.

Cady told police after driving on the ice, he was returning to shore when the truck hit a large bump in front of the access.

When the truck struck the ice after the bump, the front end sunk through the ice and became lodged.

Police say Cady’s ability to operate a motor vehicle in the State of Vermont was under criminal suspension.

He was issued a citation for the charge of criminal DLS.

Wrights towing responded and removed the vehicle from the ice.

Anyone accessing Lake Willoughby from the Willoughby access area is cautioned about the large hole in the ice approximately 50 feet from the access area.

Westmore Fire department marked the location where the truck fell through, however, caution in the area is stressed.


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