Police chase ends in Derby crash - Newport Dispatch

Police chase ends in Derby crash

1 min read

DERBY — A 38-year-old woman from Canaan is facing numerous charges after police say she led them on a high-speed chase before crashing into a utility pole.

Anna Roy is being charged with felony eluding a police officer with gross negligence, grossly negligent operation, recklessly endangering another person, excessive speed, as well as numerous civil violations.

At around 4:00 p.m. on Sunday, police started receiving calls that a white Dodge Avenger was headed west on Route 111 from Island Pond, reaching speeds of 80 miles-per-hour.

A trooper encountered the vehicle near the Morgan Country Store, traveling 74 miles-per-hour in a residential area.

Police say Roy failed to pull over when the trooper initiated the stop, and continued at a high rate of speed past the store.

“The vehicle continued failing to yield, continuing to pass vehicles and nearly causing multiple collisions,” Trooper Daniel Lynch said in a statement.

The pursuit continued into Derby on Route 111, when Roy failed to negotiate a turn at the intersection of Bates Hill Road, crashing into a utility pole and coming to rest in a drainage ditch.

She was taken into custody.

Police say at the scene they were approached by numerous concerned citizens reporting Roy’s erratic driving.

According to the report, nobody was injured during this incident.


  1. About a month-and-a-half ago she was warned about her erratic driving through town speeds reaching about 50 per hour in town with kids playing outside one of them being my daughter goes to show you she has no concern about other people or the harm she could do or even kill somebody

  2. 🙁 Car flies by at 50mph in 30mph in Canaan! 3 Adults & 3 Small Kids playing in the yard! SLOW DOWN Anna Roy! Cops will be called, next time!

    This happened & was posted to my FB Page on September 16, 2018 approx: 5: 30 pm! The 3 kids playing 2 of which were my Grandsons & the 3rd was my stepdaughter! She lucked out & did not kill anyone! Not by her doing, though!!

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