Classes for caregivers offered in Newport next month - Newport Dispatch
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Classes for caregivers offered in Newport next month

1 min read

NEWPORT — According to the Family Caregiver Alliance, an estimated 44 million Americans age 18 and older provide unpaid assistance and support to older people and adults with disabilities who live in the community.

Evidence shows that most caregivers are ill-prepared for their role and provide care with little or no support.

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To provide support to caregivers, the NEK Council on Aging (NEKCOA) is offering two self-care classes in Newport this fall.

The first is Managing Stress, a 90-minute free workshop focusing on tools to manage the daily stresses faced by caregivers.

The class takes place on Wednesday, Sept. 12, from 6-7:30 p.m. in the downstairs Meeting Room at North Country Hospital.

The workshop will be facilitated by Nancy Oakes, the NEKCOA Director of Family Caregiver Support.

“Family caregivers need to take care of themselves,” Oakes said. “When we take care of ourselves, we can prevent or recover from some of the negative effects of stress that caregivers experience. By reducing resentment, caregivers can offer more loving and supportive care.”

Powerful Tools for Caregivers, is a six-week, in-depth class to help caregivers reduce stress, improve self-confidence, communicate needs and feelings more effectively, balance their lives, deal with difficult emotions, and increase their ability to make tough decisions and locate helpful resources.

The class begins on Wednesday, September 26th and runs every Wednesday until October 31st from 3 – 4:30 p.m. in the Vermont Room at Goodrich Memorial Library in Newport.

It will be facilitated by Nancy Oakes and Lucy LeMay, a Case Manager for NEKCOA.

Organizers are requesting that a small donation is made to cover the cost of the class book, but is not required.

Registration is required.

Call Nancy Oakes at 802-751-0435 or email and place “caregiver” in the subject line.

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