Fresh­Tracks Road Pitch to visit Low­ell - Newport Dispatch

Fresh­Tracks Road Pitch to visit Low­ell

1 min read

LOWELL — The fifth an­nual Fresh­Tracks Road Pitch is returning to Lowell on Tues­day, July 31.

The event is a four-day mo­tor­cy­cle tour of Ver­mont in which a gang of “busi­ness bik­ers” com­prised of in­vestors, en­tre­pre­neurs, and busi­ness ad­vi­sors, ride around the state and stop in eight Ver­mont towns to lis­ten to en­tre­pre­neurs pitch their busi­ness.

En­tre­pre­neurs in­ter­ested in pitch­ing their con­cept or ex­ist­ing busi­ness to the rid­ers should con­tact one or more of the lo­cal or­ga­niz­ers noted be­low in or­der to ap­ply for a pitch slot.

At each of the eight stops, the rid­ers will award a “Rid­ers Choice Prize” of $500 and a spe­cial edi­tion “Ver­mont Biker Bear” con­tributed by Ver­mont Teddy Bear.

Each stop is open to pub­lic view­ing.

For in­for­ma­tion about Road Pitch, the rid­ers, as well as valu­able pitch­ing tips, visit www.road­

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