
Old Stone House prepares for May opening

1 min read

BROWNINGTON — A fresh en­ergy is dri­ving the Old Stone House Mu­seum in Brown­ing­ton to­wards open­ing day on May 16. Com­mu­nity out­reach classes will be in­ter­min­gled with an up­dated list­ing of events.

Out­reach classes for adults will in­clude tile mo­saics, plein air draw­ing, yeast-bread bak­ing, ca­nine obe­di­ence, and more.

The mu­seum will also be ap­peal­ing more to chil­dren and young fam­i­lies by of­fer­ing a weekly kids’ day each Fri­day from June 15 through Au­gust 24.

Kids’ day will be­gin at 11 a.m. with spe­cial ac­tiv­i­ties planned on-site, fol­lowed by out­door pic­nick­ing. Chil­dren un­der 18 can en­joy tours those Fri­days for a re­duced rate.

Time Trav­el­ers Camp for kids ages 8 to 12 will run from July 23 through 27. This year the camp will fo­cus on her­itage arts and will in­clude pit-fired pot­tery, slate paint­ings, sap bucket lanterns, along with other pop­u­lar ac­tiv­i­ties to choose from in the af­ter­noons.

New and old fa­vorite events will pique in­ter­est for mu­seum vis­i­tors.

The sea­son starts with the vol­un­teer ori­en­ta­tion carousel and tea on Thurs­day, April 26.

Things take off in May with the pop­u­lar Spring Field Days for school­child­ren on May 15 and 22, en­gines show on June 16, the gala fund-raiser on July 19, and Old Stone House Day on Au­gust 12.

The new stars party fund-raiser happens on Sep­tem­ber 1, which will in­clude live mu­sic, Fair­banks Mu­seum-led star gaz­ing on Prospect Hill us­ing high-pow­ered tele­scopes, food truck ven­dors, and more.

Open sea­son will draw to a close with a “boo!” at the new “Haunted Old Hall­ways” and trick-or-treat­ing event for kids and fam­i­lies on Oc­to­ber 28.

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