Free supper and community forum tomorrow night in Island Pond - Newport Dispatch

Free supper and community forum tomorrow night in Island Pond

1 min read

ISLAND POND — The public is invited to gather with other people who care about families and children in Island Pond tomorrow, at the Brighton Elementary School.

Supper will begin at 5:30 p.m. Preschool to fourth graders will have a separate program, while older children and adults participate in the facilitated conversation that will set priorities for supporting families and kids.

Organizers are seeking input from parents, children, and other community members and will use the ideas generated to guide planning and bring additional services to the community.

Questions to be considered will include:

What services and activities would help local families and support the healthy development of children and teens in the community? What problems or concerns need to be addressed to make this a better community to grow up in? Would it be helpful to have the school be a more of a center for services and activities in the community? How could services and activities be set up to provide the most useful support for families and children?

The Brighton Recreation Committee and Brighton Elementary School are sponsoring this program through the Roadmaps Action Acceleration Grant provided by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.

This event is part of a response to the Community Forums held last fall by gathering input from people in our area about what would best meet their needs and improve their lives.

This information will be used to tailor what is offered in the future to meet community needs. There is no charge for any part of the program.

This is the final Community Café in this series and next steps include convening service providers and defining steps forward, based on the ideas and information that has been gathered.

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