Fire erupts along Caswell Avenue in Derby Line near U.S. Port of Entry - Newport Dispatch

Fire erupts along Caswell Avenue in Derby Line near U.S. Port of Entry

1 min read

DERBY LINE — A roadside grass fire temporarily halted construction of the new U.S. Port of Entry in Derby Line.

The fire broke out Tuesday afternoon at around 1:45 p.m. along Caswell Avenue, near the bridge which crosses I-91 at the U.S border.

Workers on site say the fire started near the street, and pushed downward toward the construction site. They speculated it may have started after someone flicked a cigarette butt from a moving vehicle.

A few of the construction workers used fire extinguishers to contain the blaze, which was mostly snuffed out by the time the Derby Line Fire Department arrived.

Authorities say no damage was reported to the $23 million construction site, where contractors have begun replacing the outdated port facility which currently exists.

April and May is considered peak fire season in Vermont and northern New York, with 75 percent of all fires taking place during these months.

1 Comment

  1. That was way more than a simple grass fire. More like a gas fire. I have video to prove it. We are not in a drought. We are in a flood watch.

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