Body of missing Island Pond man found - Newport Dispatch

Body of missing Island Pond man found

1 min read

ISLAND POND — Vermont State Police say that the body of Quincy O’Gorman, 23, was recovered today at around 10 a.m.

During a search of area properties by local residents, searchers found O’Gorman deceased within the Lightning Brook in Brighton, also known as the Clyde River, in an area ¼ mile southwest of where he went missing.

He was last seen on New Year’s Eve, at around 11:45 p.m. Police say he fled after being pulled over for allegedly running a stop sign.

At around 11:30 a.m. on Monday, police were alerted that O’Gorman was still missing by family members. Search and rescue teams had been searching for O’Gorman since.

The Vermont State Police, Brighton Fire Department, and Lyndon Rescue responded to the scene to remove his body from the water and he was transported to the roadway via a rescue sled.

The body has been transported to the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner in Burlington for autopsy.

Police say the investigation is on-going, pending the results of the autopsy.


  1. wow they sure did a real bang up job looking for him pretty damn sad that a civilian found him a lot faster then the law enforcement did i mean come on that is what they get paid for after all…

  2. Absolutely unnecessary tragedy in my opinion. When police have DUI check-points and they locate an individual that they deem is over the legal limit for driving, they have already obtained the driver’s license number, vehicle make , VIN, owner, & address of where the vehicle gets parked at night. If that individual is so impaired as to try to “run away” from the situation at hand – Let him or her go on their way. Law enforcement knows where they want to get: Home Free. Set up roadblocks if necessary or spikes to deter the impaired individual from hurting anyone else. Just Don’t Chase Them. How many people have died as innocent bystanders when cruisers are on high-speed chases after an impaired driver and crashes?? That’s my opinion and I’m stickin’ to it. Law enforcement: go back the next day – you’ve got your dashboard cameras, your evidence, your breathalizer results. Let’s try to save some of these young people and their families from the ultimate sacrifice of death of their loved one … because he/she made a stupid mistake while out partying during the holidays. My heart aches for the family members and friends left behind. Sending prayers to all involved in this horrible tragedy … including law enforcement.

    • It’s my understanding that in this case, he left the car and took off on foot.

      Whether a driver is trying to get ‘home safe’ or not, it is law enforcement job to keep them off the road to avoid danger to OTHER people who could be involved in something tragic.

  3. It’s wicked and tragic that local people -and not the police, had to organize a search to find this poor young man. Our sympathies are with his family, why police caused him to panic and flee to his death should be the subject of an immediate investigation.

  4. The cop or cops who chased this young boy to his death deserve to be suspended and put on leave while an open and transparent investigation takes place. It was New Year’s Eve – Q. O’G and his friends made an easy target for the cops to stop, there can’t have been many cars traveling that lonely dark road at that time of night. Why hasn’t there been an official statement? Everyone is looking for answers. Why was this boy chased and hounded to his death? Police say a K9 tracked him thru’ the village, so why didn’t they locate him in time to save his life? In the cold and dark with snow all around he obviously crashed through ice and drowned. He shouldn’t and needn’t have been chased, the cops had the car for God’s sake, and they could have tracked him down later at home where he’d still be safe and sound today if it weren’t for some over zealous cop. People down here in North Stratford and Groveton are shocked by this sad waste of a young life in Island Pond. To the family we send sincere sympathies & Condolences. To Joel Cope we encourage him to ask the police to provide the boy’s relatives and the public with a statement on the events that led up to this tragedy. Lastly, which cop was involved since I doubt the local sheriff would have made the error of chasing this boy to his untimely death.

  5. I find it reprehensible that anyone would blame the police, first for stopping him, and then for not finding him. He was drunk – his friends, those who cared about him, let him drive drunk. Then they panicked, why – because they had something more than drinking to hide? Had they been allowed to go on their merry way, as has been suggested, and killed an innocent person on the street – where would the outcry be. 22 – he knew not to drink and drive – don’t blame the police that he did stupid. Don’t blame the police that his friends cared more about having “fun” than seeing their friend get home safely. And don’t blame the police, who expended countless man-hours and a lot of our tax dollars hunting for someone who didn’t have the sense to either not get behind the wheel drunk, and who thought running from the police made good sense. I am sorry for his family – but also sorry that young people up here don’t get it – that drinking and driving kills – one way or another. How many young people need to die up here before someone turns around and blames the drunk.

  6. Dear “Common Sense”

    Yes, alright, no need to go on and on reiterating the same point in a bleating fashion. We get it. Your message is – over and over – ‘Don’t blame the police’. Yada yada yada. Never mind the anguish of the family or the fact this young man lost his life what we mustn’t ever do according to you is ‘blame the police’. It’s nice to know compassion is alive and well. Remember this: There but for the grace of God go you.

  7. Thank you, Jeff. Yes, we have prayed you through a lot of things I have never mentioned and did not even know the details of, just knew you you had a big need at the time. That is a cool thing about prayer. We don’t always benefit by knowing details. HE knows, so that is what matters. Jeff, you walk on the ceiling all by yourself every time you hit the mark. You inspire all of us so often around here. Just let yourself &#e820;se2” where you are walking!!

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