Newport City Elementary and North Country Hospital put a unique twist on walking to school - Newport Dispatch

Newport City Elementary and North Country Hospital put a unique twist on walking to school

1 min read

NEWPORT — A total of 102 students, along with lots of community members, teachers and parents, celebrated International Walk to School Day by taking a hike to school.

This is the second year that North Country Hospital has received a grant from Safe Kids Worldwide and FedEx to help local kids participate in this global event.

Each year, the walk is designed to raise awareness about pedestrian safety and to encourage the creation of safe walking routes. Last year over 250,000 kids nationwide walked to school to celebrate the day.

Newport City Elementary School and North Country Hospital put a unique twist on the 2016 Walk This Way program this year by collaborating with the Green Mountain Club in Waterbury Center. By walking to school throughout the year, starting on October 5, students have the chance to also simulate a walk on the Long Trail, the oldest long-distance hiking trail in the United States, measuring 272 miles.

The Green Mountain Club’s mission is to make the mountains play a larger part in the life of people by protecting and maintaining the Long Trail.

“We are always trying to find new ways to engage the next generation of hikers,” Mike DeBonis, Executive Director of the Green Mountain Club said. “We appreciate the chance to join forces with the NEK and help kids understand that the skills needed to walk to school are the same skills needed to hike a trail, and both provide great exercise.”

The walk on IWTSD equaled a walk to the first shelter on their Long Trail journey, Kid Gore Shelter. Each month students will walk to school on their way to a new shelter and in May they will arrive at Journey’s End on the Canadian border, the final destination.

The Golden Hiking Boot will be presented to the class with the most walkers each month.

“Every year, 44 children get hit by a car in the United States,” Beth Barnes, Community Outreach Specialist at North Country Hospital, said. “By walking with students on International Walk to School Day we were able to show them how to walk safely and respectfully and have fun too.”

As a member of the Safe Kids Vermont coalition, North Country Hospital is able to address needs in the community that will help our NEK kids stay safe and physically active.

1 Comment

  1. Great coverage as usual, Newport Dispatch. Thanks for showing the community that sometimes our local efforts have global connections.

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