Connie Knaggs receives CNB’s Community Service Award - Newport Dispatch

Connie Knaggs receives CNB’s Community Service Award

1 min read

DERBY — When faced with a large issue or an emergency situation Connie Knaggs often says, “We’ll figure it out.” And, she usually does.

Community National Bank Chief Executive Officer Stephen Marsh presented Knaggs with the bank’s Community Service Award.

The award was developed to recognize the “unsung heroes” that make our communities better places to live, work and play.

Knaggs has volunteered for more than 20 years at a local animal shelter. Through her volunteer work and her work as a Veterinary Technician, she saw first-hand the need to solve the over-population of cats in the Northeast Kingdom.

Her vision of working with community members to spay and neuter free-roaming cats led to the organization of the Felines and Friends Foundation (FFF).

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Creating a non-profit organization such as FFF is a very large undertaking. Her strong work ethic and daily contributions have guaranteed the foundation’s success.

To celebrate her commitment and dedication, the bank presented her with CNB’s Community Service Award for the second quarter of 2016.

“Her energy and compassion are endless,” a statement issued by the bank reads.

The Community Service Award honors and recognizes recipients by making a $500.00 contribution to a local, non-profit organization of the recipient’s choice.

Knaggs has requested that her donation be made to the Felines and Friends Foundation.

The Felines and Friends Foundation was established in 2013 and is a non-profit organization that is run by volunteers.

The organization uses the Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) method to stabilize and reduce the outdoor barn and street cat population.

Through partnerships with regional animal shelters, FFF works to find homes for as many adoptable cats as possible. To learn more about FFF please visit

For more information about CNB’s Community Service Award and to nominate a deserving recipient, visit

Community National Bank is an independent bank that has been serving Vermont communities since 1851.

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1 Comment

  1. connie you are so awesome , wonderful person with a huge heart! thank you for always taking care of my animals also !

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