Driver hits and kills Jersey calf in Lowell, drives off - Newport Dispatch

Driver hits and kills Jersey calf in Lowell, drives off

1 min read

LOWELL — Local authorities are hoping that they can track down a driver who struck and killed a calf in Lowell this morning.

Police say they were notified of a crash involving an unknown vehicle on the Cheney Road in Lowell, near the Ostiguy Road.

The unknown vehicle collided with a 1-year-old Jersey calf.

The calf died as a result of the collision, and police say the vehicle involved never stopped to notify anyone.

The incident happened sometime between 6 and 7 a.m.

Anyone with any information is being asked to call the Vermont State Police.


  1. First of all a year old “Calf” is called a yearling and second of all it is the farmers fault if one of his livestock gets out of captivity and is killed on a public road. In fact he/she would be libel for damages to the motorist and/or vehicle. I know this because it happened to one of my cows.

  2. Well, you are right about the calf/yearling bit, but hey, most of us with cows have escapes despite care and attention. And most of us have stopped to help when cows are out. So, you are both right and wrong: legally right but neighborly wrong.

  3. Either way it don’t friggen matter someone’s “YEARLING” is dead and the person responsible for that drove away…

  4. It still would have been the right thing to do.Let the farmer know that they Injured or killed the animal. What is wrong with people now days? It just proves to me there are no honest and respectful people in this world anymore.I so wish that people would try to be human like they once were. It really was nice that way.No one follows the Golden Rules and it seems to me it needs to come back.

  5. Maybe. But that doesn’t give this person the right to hit the sweety n not notify someone. Its obvious they were doing something wrong! And who cares if a valve or yearling. The cow, valve, yearling was a life!

  6. Maybe. But that doesn’t give this person the right to hit the sweety n not notify someone. Its obvious they were doing something wrong! And who cares if a calf or yearling. The cow, calf, yearling was a life!

  7. Wow I don’t care who’s fault it is. As coming from a family farm growing up animals get out sometimes it’s an accident. I think this is very cruel for no one to stop. It’s like hitting someone’s cat and never stopping. What cruel people this world is raising!

  8. Maybe “what is wrong with people nowadays” is that everything is now a crime, and most felonies. Most people are afraid to even take responsibility for an accident for fear of being charged with crimes and Demonized in the press before there is ever a conviction.

    Just as there is no shortage of Frankenstein hunters commenting on this story right now.

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