Community to discuss drug and gang issues - Newport Dispatch

Community to discuss drug and gang issues

1 min read
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NEWPORT — Mary Alice McKenzie, Director of the Burlington Boys and Girls Club will be among participants at Building a Resilient Community, an open public meeting on March 2, 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. at Newport’s Gateway Center.

The emphasis will be on drug and gang proofing the community. The meeting will be facilitated by Action-Circles and will involve small group work and a follow-up event.

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“We’ll learn how other communities are positively responding to the challenge of drugs and gangs in their towns, and recognize what assets are already working for us,” said Barbara Morrow, Director of the Orleans County Restorative Justice Center.

Law enforcement, educators, and medical professionals have also been invited, so Morrow is hoping for a rich and productive conversation with lots of insights for everyone involved.

“Every state in the Union has gang activity,” Morrow said. “If there are drugs, there are gang members. People will leave the meeting with knowledge, and can be ambassadors for their own work, social groups, and organizations. We’re operating on the principle that everyone can do something, and lots of smaller things have an effect.”

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For more information, contact the Orleans County Restorative Justice Center at 802.487.9327 and review their website at

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