Man who stole guns and drugs from Newport Police evidence room pleads no contest - Newport Dispatch

Man who stole guns and drugs from Newport Police evidence room pleads no contest

1 min read

NEWPORT — The 20-year-old man who was charged with breaking into the evidence room at the Newport City Police Department and stealing guns and drugs, as well as burglarizing homes and businesses in Troy and Lowell, was in court on Tuesday where he pled no contest.

According to court records, Mikeal Rivers, of Troy, could end up serving anywhere from eight to 25 years behind bars for his crimes. As part of his plea deal Rivers had some charges dismissed, and he will be able to contest the length of his sentence, which will be decided by Judge Howard VanBenthuysen.

The crimes Rivers will be sentenced for go back to November 2014, with an overnight crime spree that occurred in Troy and Lowell.

Police say Rivers, along with an accomplice, began the night in a stolen vehicle that arrived at a home on Route 100 in Troy. They abandoned the vehicle on the property, and entered a garage and stole two ATVs. They then embarked on a rash of burglaries throughout the night in Lowell, ending in three homes and one business being broken into, most of which were occupied at the time of the robberies.

One of the charges Rivers had dismissed on Tuesday was grand larceny.

Then back in February of 2015, Rivers was arrested again after probation and parole officers notified the Newport City Police Department that they were at an apartment and discovered numerous evidence bags with the contents missing. The evidence bags had Newport City Police Department case numbers on them. Residents at the apartment told police they were left there by Rivers.

Officers went back and discovered that the secured evidence room had been entered by force. The room was locked at the time, and police say Rivers gained access by breaking a window in the door.

While police were on their way to the apartment they saw Rivers walking on Main Street. He attempted to run, but was apprehended and found to be in possession of the stolen evidence, including guns and drugs.

In court on Tuesday, Rivers pled no contest to 17 charges ranging from burglary and possession of heroin, to providing false information to implicate another. He could face up to 25 years behind bars for his crimes.

1 Comment

  1. I hope they take into account his mental problems he faced all his life including autism. I am very angry mikeal did these things and after almost dying when he was 13 when struck by a car i had hoped he would have a better outlook on life. I hope he gets help for his mental issues and can express this to the judge. I hope his lawyer knows about this and also asks for treatment and learn how to function as an adult and that doing wrong to others is not the way to go. . i very much hope this child takes the opportunity to become a better person.

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