NEWPORT — Senator John S. Rodgers of Glover is encouraging citizens who want change in the siting of energy projects in Vermont to come to Montpelier on Wednesday, January 20.
Rodgers is organizing a day for local elected officials, citizens and citizens’ groups to share their views on the siting of energy projects with legislators.
“This is a day for Vermonters from around the state to come together to lobby their legislators for change in the way we site energy projects and to act in collaboration with like-minded people from across Vermont,” Rodgers said.
Citizens who cannot attend the rally can still make their views known to their state legislators on January 20 by calling or emailing the Sergeant at Arms with a message for their legislators.
The day-long event will take place at the Vermont statehouse. Starting at 9 a.m., Vermont League of Cities and Towns staff will introduce municipal officials who will give testimony before the Senate Natural Resources and Energy Committee. Testimony will again be given before the House Natural Resources and Energy committee in the afternoon.
Members of the public are welcome to attend the committee hearings. A press conference will be held at 12:00 p.m. in the Cedar Creek Room of the capitol building.
To send a message, citizens can call Janet Miller, the Sergeant at Arms, at 802-828-2228, or email her at, with a brief message for a specific legislator.
The message will be hand-delivered promptly to the legislator.