Community Commons to continue thanks to CNB and Newport City Council partnership - Newport Dispatch
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Community Commons to continue thanks to CNB and Newport City Council partnership

1 min read
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NEWPORT — Community Commons will continue to meet at The Gateway Center in Newport, thanks to Community National Bank, who partnered with the City of Newport to ensure the popular meetings continue. The meetings take place on the 3rd Wednesday of each month, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.

Community Commons is an event that business leaders, public safety officials, housing, transportation, and health specialists ask to participate in so they can form relationships with the community. The meetings are open for everyone to participate in.

“It was a partnership that brought the Community Commons idea to us as a result of the Community Matters workshop, sponsored by the Orton Family Foundation,” said Barbara Morrow, Executive Director of the Orleans County Restorative Justice Center. “We facilitate with a restorative focus so that everyone feels equally welcome and able to speak. A huge part of its success is how we learn to disagree with respect and find common ground, which has led to some powerfully effective partnering.”

Many people take part in the monthly meeting because it continues to make a difference in their neighborhoods, and in the City of Newport.

“We recognize the good work that the Orleans County Restorative Justice Center does,” stated Stephen P Marsh, Community National Bank’s CEO. “While I don’t get to attend all of the Community Commons meetings, I know how effective they are in providing opportunity and safe space for community members to exchange ideas and connect with each other to develop solutions with their neighbors.”

The Newport City Council also worked to keep the meetings going by reducing the rental fee at the Gateway Center.

“After a great discussion, I am pleased the Newport City Council supported my proposal to reduce the monthly rental fee by half,” said Newport Mayor Paul Monette. “The City Council recognizes the importance of public and private partnerships and Community Commons is a great example.”

Community Commons includes an optional potluck as part of its meeting at The Gateway Center, in Newport, on the 3rd Wednesday, from 6 p.m. – 8 p.m. All are welcome to attend.

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